Rising Upward: Summer Art + Wellness Workshop
July 20
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
You’re invited to explore the transformative power of mindfully connecting with art and the creative process. This 3-hour workshop is an opportunity to reflect on themes of self-acceptance and resilience through an intentional mix of journaling, artistic expression, and group discussion in response to Body Politic: Christa Carleton and Tonja Torgerson. Designed as a personal growth workshop, participants will use artmaking to gain tools for cultivating a relationship with personal authenticity, finding grounding, and feeling at home in one’s own body.
Caterina Zischke-Rincon
Caterina Zischke-Rincon has a Master’s in Mental Health Counseling from the University of Montana and is a National Certified Counselor. Prior to her time in Missoula, she worked in museum education and served as a Fulbright grantee in Colombia. Her professional and research interests have centered on the healing benefits of the arts, and this summer she will be continuing her studies at the Kutenai Art Therapy Institute in Nelson, British Columbia. In all her work, she values facilitating experiences that promote a deeper connection to the present moment through creativity, mindfulness, and gratitude practices.