Critical Eye: Selections From The Kim And Ruth Reineking Collection
January 29 2024 - May 11 2024
This rare view of a significant private collection celebrates philanthropy, collecting, and scholarship. Kim and Ruth Reineking have collected quietly over the last few decades, assembling a magnificent collection that is intensely local and deliberately modernist and contemporary, featuring significant pieces by Montana's contemporary artists. The Reinekings have selected strong examples of each artist’s work, resulting in exemplary breadth and depth; Critical Eye features selections from their promised gift to the MAM collection, including works by Gennie and Robert DeWeese, Stephen and Bev Beck Glueckert, Lela and Rudy Autio, Jerry Rankin, and others. MAM is grateful to the Reinekings for their vision, and for their generosity in designating MAM as the place where their artwork will eventually live.
Approximately two dozen legacy donors have promised gifts of their collections to MAM.
Image (above): Installation view including works by Beth Lo (pictured in the foreground) and Robert DeWeese, Kristi Hager, and Anne Appleby (pictured L to R in the background).

Gennie DeWeese, Portrait of Ruth, 2003, cattlemarker on canvas, Reineking Collection.