Deep Play: Joyful Revelry And Subversive Whimsy In The MAM Collections
December 4 2007 - March 22 2008
Deep Play is a survey of twenty-nine artworks from MAM's permanent collections that explore symbols and strategies of play. Guided by naturalist Diane Ackerman's theory that humans seek out play's risk and ritual to attain creative insight and transcend the bounds of the real world, the exhibition features work that is alternately colorful and exuberant or dark and defiant. Through photographs, prints, paintings, sculptures, and moving images, MAM invites viewers to follow more than twenty artists, including Joe Batt, Stephanie Frostad, Walter Hook, Lorna Simpson, John Smart, and Patricia Thornton, on their daring quest for joy.
Read more about the exhibition's themes and see more images of work included in the exhibition in a short essay by Jennifer Reifsneider, MAM's Registrar and Curator of Collections.
Among the works included in the exhibit were the following:
Stephanie J. Frostad, Snow Angels
Dirk E. Lee, Ichiro Suzuki Walks to Work
Leslie Van Stavern Millar II, Home Run
James G. Todd Jr., Jose Posada and Friends
Jaune Quick-to-See Smith, Coyote Paper Dolls
Paul Harris, The Lawn Party ( The Shut-in Suite IV )
Sheila Miles, Dance with Death