Holly Andres: Stories From A Short Street
February 12 2008 - April 26 2008
Stories From a Short Street is a series of photographs inspired by Andres's experiences growing up the youngest sibling in a family of ten children in Missoula, MT. Each image is a carefully crafted scene constructed by Andres with scavenged props, live models, and dramatic stage lighting. Some of the scenes depicted in Stories painstakingly staged from vivid memories, enact specific, seminal moments from Andres's childhood with the fictitious family loosely based on archetypes of her family. In this vein, Andres intertwines fact and fiction to create complete photographic narratives with each image. The attention she gives to the smallest details in her sets and toward her subjects pulls the viewer deep into each chapter of a larger, nostalgic story that, when taken together, completes the series.
MAM is excited to announce that Holly Andres has graciously agreed to donate two works from Stories From a Short Street to the MAM Collections. During the exhibition, the Collections Committee will make a final decision and announce the latest acquisition to the public.