First Friday: Omnipresent: Photographs From The MAM Collection
November 4
5 PM - 8 PM
5 - 8 PM
Join MAM in celebrating the opening of Omnipresent, the first overview selection of the photographs from the MAM Collection, which includes nearly 200 objects. The images explore a range of genre and style from artists Stan Healy, Chris Autio, Jill Brody, David Spear, Holly Andres, Lee Friedlander, and others.
Live music by Beth Lo and David Horgan. No-host Bar.
The photographic image serves as myriad modes of communication. The earliest photographs functioned solely to document time or place, be it a blurry portrait, a landscape, or architecture. Equipment and printing processes rapidly improved in the 20th century and photography became a mainstream medium for journalists and artists alike. Today, the photographic image is omnipresent in our daily lives.